Tuesday, June 14, 2011

FFXIII-2 70 percent complete, features branching dialogue

FFXIII-2 70 percent complete, features branching dialogue: "

A number of snippets of information have snuck out of Japanese press following Final Fantasy XIII-2′s E3 showing.

Andriasang reports the latest issue of Shonen Jump has the game at 70 percent completion.

In a leaked interview with Dengeki, director Motomu Toriyama made a mysterious reference to the possibility that FFXIII-2 will ship on fewer discs on Xbox 360 than PlayStation 3. The cause for this reversal is said to be reliance on real-time cut scenes rather than cinematics.

Other escaped details include the prominence of new protagonists over FFXIII’s hero, Lightning; individual AI for NPCs in towns; and the reappearance of FFXIII’s Snow – apparently free from jealousy, is the spoiler-free way to put it.

More intriguingly, the game will feature something called a Live Trigger dialogue system, allowing for interactive conversations and different content on multiple play-throughs. Toriyama said the new system will make conversation mo0re enjoyable rather than direct the course of the plot.

Thanks, CVG.


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