Sunday, May 29, 2011

11.3 million player deaths in Just Cause 2 look like this

11.3 million player deaths in Just Cause 2 look like this: "

11.3 million player deaths in Just Cause 2 look like this screenshot

Jim Blackhurst, online operations manager at Square Enix and Eidos, made this fancy little video that depicts a map of all the player deaths in Just Cause 2. And not just player deaths, but death by impact with terrain or an object -- 11.3 million of them.

It's mindboggling how the total of all these instances can create such a map, especially when you see that the dots that represent impact death can form some of the larger structures involved in the game's missions. How do so many people die of impact 10 meters above the ground?

The video also shows how players either explore very little off the beaten track, or simply don't die as much if they do. It's nice to see plenty of deaths surrounding the flying night club though; I think we all contributed at least a few deaths there.

Deathmapping: Just Cause 2's 11m Casualties [Rock, Paper, Shotgun]


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